Barbell Military Press Behind Neck
Home >> Exercises >> Shoulders >> Barbell Military Press Behind Neck
Exercise Data
Type: Strength
Main Muscle Worked: Shoulders
Other Muscles: Triceps
Equipment: Machine
Mechanics Type: Compound
Level: Intermediate
Sport: No
Force: Push
Barbell Military Press Behind Neck - Images
1. To begin, first set the bar on a rack that best matches your height. Once the correct height is
chosen and the bar is loaded, step under the bar and place the back of your shoulders
(slightly below the neck) across it.
2. Hold on to the bar using both arms at each side and lift it off the rack by first pushing with your
legs and at the same time straightening your torso.
3. Step away from the rack and position your legs using a shoulder width medium stance with
the toes slightly pointed out. Your back should be kept straight while performing this exercise.
This will be your starting position.
4. Elevate the barbell overhead by fully extending your arms while breathing out.
5. Hold the contraction for a second and lower the barbell back down to the starting position by
6. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Caution: Performing this exercise can cause serious injury if not performed properly. Make sure to keep your back straight when lowering and lifting the barbell.
Barbell Military Press Behind Neck - Guide
Alternative Exercises For Barbell Military Press Behind Neck
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